College & Career Resources


College Search

College Scorecard

The College Scorecard is an online tool, created by the United States government, for consumers to compare the cost and value of higher education institutions in the United States. It displays data in five areas: cost, graduation rate, employment rate, average amount borrowed, and loan default rate.

College Ready

College for Adults

This website will help you with career planning, college selection, and the application process. They will also suggest ways to find money to pay for college and direct you to resources to help you prepare for college-level work.

Financial Aid

Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

For all the information needed to fill out a FAFSA to apply for financial aid.

Student Financial Aid Toolkit

The Financial Aid Toolkit provides federal student aid information and outreach tools for counselors, college access professionals, nonprofit mentors, and others.

Career Ready

Virginia Wizard

Let the Wizard help you choose a career, find the college that is right for you, pay for college, transfer from a community college to a university, and get answers to your questions about your future.

21st Century Workplace Readiness Skills

Learn about Virginia’s 21 Workplace Readiness Skills. The skills are aligned with the needs of employers to better prepare students to enter the workforce and be successful in their chosen careers.

Employability Skills

Learn about Employability Skills, which are necessary for success in the labor market at all employment levels and in all sectors.